What's New at Yuppy Puppy


I am heading to Palm Beach next weekend to the shows if anyone needs to see me. Just give me a call. Would love to see you all.

Very Proud of his Shredding Skills

Very Proud of his Shredding Skills
Meet Gus McConnel

Friday, July 11, 2008

Beauty Secrets of Show Dogs

I can guess what you do the second week of February - you're sitting on the couch, glued to the TV, watching the Westminster Kennel Club dog show. Who doesn't love watching those glorious dogs strutting before the cheering crowds at Madison Square Garden like fashion models on a runway? And just like fashion models, show dogs have to stick to a strict regimen of beauty care. Learn their beauty secrets, and your petite pup can look as camera ready as any of those dogs on TV.

Secret #1: Show Dogs are Spotlessly Clean
Secret #2: Show Dogs are Faultlessly Groomed
Secret #3: Show Dogs accept Grooming with Grace
Secret #4: Show Dogs get the best products for their hair
Secret #5: Show Groomers Have the Best Equipment
Secret #6: Show Dogs know what to Wear
Secret #7: Show Dogs get a lot of exercise
Secret #8: Show Dogs Have Great Teeth
Secret #9: Show Dogs are told they are beautiful

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Is Your Havanese Shy??

Your dog might need a boost of confidence. These dogs need you to make them feel safe and secure.

Possible Activiites
1. Take him with you to lots of places... the mall, Home Depot, Lowes.
2. Let lots of people hold him (walk away for a few minutes then come back)
3. Take a class with your dog
4. Let him have lots of play dates
5. Try doggy dog care once a week
6. Many play dates - especially with happy, bold dogs can help a shy dog blossom.

Socialize, Socialize, Socialize